An update from Rome

Posted on March 9, 2020 by Clay Kannard


As you are no doubt all aware, COVID-19 has spread rapidly through the country of Italy, with cases topping 7,000 as of today, but with that number certain to grow. The government continues to take more severe measures to try and stem the spread of the virus. In the north, or “red zones,” the measures are the most severe. All schools and universities are closed until further notice, and no public meetings of any sort are to take place. These procedures have obvious impacts on church gatherings, therefore leaders of churches all over the nation are currently making decisions about how, where, if to meet. Additionally, the current situation has been devastating on the economy. There are few tourists, restaurants and stores are taking a big hit, and taxi lines remain long with no passengers.

Amidst the difficulties created by the virus, there are praises to share and report. Yesterday the church plant Breccia di Roma San Paolo, together with Breccia di Roma in city center, celebrated the baptism of Akille De Chirico. When the churches celebrate baptisms they ask permission to use the sanctuary of another evangelical in Rome that has a baptismal pool. However yesterday, the morning of the baptism, due to new government decrees, the church had to keep its doors closed. We had to make last minute plans and decided to move the baptism to Akille’s home. About 10 members of the church were physically present, and then the service itself was live-streamed to the rest of the church members and family members who had to remain home. Despite the changes, it was a great time of celebration and we thank the Lord for the possibilities that technology provide us. We praise the Lord for his saving work in Akille’s life and for the change that is so evident in him. To God be all the glory.

We’re happy to share a few pics from the baptism, and also pics of church members streaming the baptism service from home!

Please continue to pray for the evangelical church in Italy, and especially for our churches in Rome. Pray that the Lord will give us wisdom so that we can be the churches he wants us to be, especially amidst strange times and challenges such as these.

Thank you all for your continued support of the efforts of the Kyra Karr Foundation. The Lord continues to be at work through the local church in Italy, and your prayers and generosity continue to be a tremendous blessing.

We are at work on some new exciting projects to be a part of, so stay tuned!

Blessings to you all,

The Kyra Karr Foundation


Responding to the COVID19 crisis in Italy


Ellie Karr’s new heart